Friday, October 9, 2009

Oh baby baby!

We got to see our little one for the first time on Wednesday. The Dr. wanted to check on my due date, but either way it's still the first week in April.

Ohhhh, scary skeleton looking picture!

Look at those little tiny legs! They are so cute!

The little one was moving around like crazy, flipping over and then looking at us and then moving around, and waving those little arms. It was so amazing! Only 5.5 months until we meet the little one in person!


  1. I love ultrasound pictures! So amazing.

    Will you guys find out what you're having or be surprised?

  2. April will be here you before you know it! Thanks for sharing the pictures. I LOVE seeing them.

  3. Oh, so much fun times!!! Did you cry? I cried the first time I saw the babes moving on the ultrasound
