Monday, August 12, 2013


Today I received the information about preschool for Dietrich.  I have been waiting and waiting and checking the mail because I am so ridiculously excited about preschool!  I didn't get to go to preschool because it wasn't readily available and also it was expensive.  And I love school!  I love the first day of school and I love getting new stuff for school and I just know I am going to love sending my little boy to school!

Next week we will get a postcard from his teacher and then I will learn who is first teacher is going to be!  The following week we get to go to his classroom and meet his teacher and see where he will be, and then the week after that he starts school!  We got our list of school supplies and I can't wait to go buy him glue-sticks, and dry-erase crayons, and a backpack that fits a 9x12 sheet of paper.  I called my mom this morning and told her about all the upcoming school stuff and how I want to cry because I am SO SO excited for him, he is going to love preschool!  And then I read this post about growing up/old and the start of school and then I started crying because oh-my-GOD he is STARTING PRESCHOOL.  

I've been a little worried about how he is perfectly potty trained but doesn't like to do any of it by himself.  I have to remind myself this is preschool, these teachers teach 3 year olds, they know that some of them still need help going to the bathroom.  This morning when he threw a fit and hit his friend because he wanted the toy I thought "he can't do that at preschool!" But he is three, and that is what three year olds tend to do, he won't be the first kid in a preschool class to throw a fit.  I don't have to tell the teacher that I am so excited for him but I've also never left him anywhere but with family, and oh my gosh how will I survive that?  That all of a sudden I'm afraid he will miss me and be upset and I just want him to be excited and have fun!  And now I'm not just crying because I'm so excited for him and all the fun he will have but because all of a sudden and without my realizing it this:
 Turned into this:

And he's going to preschool in just a few short weeks, leaving me for 3.5 hours two days a week and Lenorah and I will miss him during that short time and wonder what fun things he is doing without us.  Then he will come home and tell us about the things he made and the letters and numbers he is learning and he will make new friends!  (maybe I will make new friends too!) It will be wonderful and sad and exciting and anxiety inducing and we will all love it.  

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Sullivan Lake 2013

 My posts lately have been nothing but us doing stuff.  We feel like this is the busiest summer we have ever had, and although we are having lots of fun we are T.I.R.E.D.

Last week I headed up to Ione on Tuesday to spend a few days at the lake before the bad weather rolled in. We all had fun playing in the water and playing with all the kids at the Larson camp.

 On Thursday Bryce joined us and we set up our own camp.  Just in time for the rain to start.  But raining weather makes for great throwing rocks weather.  We also took the kids on a drive and went on a tour of Boundary Dam.  A great way to spend a rainy day at the lake!

 I think this should be a greeting card that says "you're my best friend"
 A little boy in another camp had a balance bike like Dietrich's and he was so good!  He went really fast and picked up his feet.  Dietrich saw that and started doing it himself.  We are so excited to buy him a bicycle for his birthday next year, hopefully he will be riding a two wheeled bike soon!

 The sun came out for just a few hours Saturday afternoon and everybody hit the beach.  At least we got to spend a little time enjoying the sun and the lake.

 Seriously, I hope these girls love each other forever as much as they love each other now.  Lenorah goes insane whenever Emery shows up, and "Emmy" was the first name she ever said!

Now we are in a crazy couple of weeks where we will be finishing painting the house, getting ready for company, decorating 75 pair of flip flops and making a veil, as well as finding a dress, visiting with friends, and making a pink tie.  I think I can I think I can I think I can!!!