Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My Little Brother

I have one brother, he is 6 years younger than me. It's a pretty big difference, most of the time as kids I was scheming on how to not play with him because he was so little. But now that we are adults there is a lot more that we can do together and share and understand. He is 21 years old. And being 21 pretty much sucks. You don't know what you want to do with your life but everyone is making you feel like you better hurry up and make a decision. You are an adult, but you have just barely begun to live on your own and take care of things yourself. And you are suddenly allowed to go to the bar, which of course is only going to get you into trouble.

I would never want to be 21 again.

My brother and I had a fight, and I don't think that we have ever really had a fight before. I feel really bad, and I know he does too.

Christmas 2007:
Making Christmas cookies because Grandpa was sick and Mom and Grandma did not have time:
Thanksgiving 2008:
Easter 2006:
"I don't believe an accident of birth makes people sisters or brothers. It makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage. Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at." ~Maya Angelou


  1. What a sweet post! You and Paul are very blessed to have each other. And ... yes fights are hard but I know you and Paul will work things out and come through this just fine. Probably will appreciate, understand and love each other more!

  2. Sibling fights are the worst. It's rare that I'm ever talking with both sisters. Usually I'm getting along with one and am not being talked to by the other.

    It's a mess. And I hate it. But I savor the moments when they both like me.

    Praying for you and Paul to work through your fight.

  3. What a blessing to have that kind of relationship with your brother!

    I seriously love my older brothers, especially now that we're adults and they don't torture me anymore.
