Sunday, January 24, 2010

Back to the Kitchen...

Yesterday morning Bryce started removing the paint from the actual cabinets. It is amazing to see what a difference taking away all that black is making to the kitchen!

After only three hours he had already done most of the cabinets!
Today we are getting ready to sand the cabinets, which is of course going to be a pretty big mess, so we have moved everything from the kitchen to the soon-to-be baby's room:
And here is most of our China cabinet on the bedroom vanity:
The cupboards are empty and awaiting a good sanding.
Now I better get off of here and help Bryce get the plastic up, it won't block out all the dust but hopefully it will help!


  1. Your kitchen is going to be beautiful when it's all done. Way to go!!

  2. The difference is amazing!!! Can't wait to see the finished product!
