Saturday, July 31, 2010

The fence is done...but oh the bathroom

The summer of the fence is finally over! Last Thursday Bryce got his Grandpa, Dad, Cousin, and Friend to come over and help hang up the double gates, the last part of the fence. It only took about 10 minutes with so much help and it looks beautiful! The dogs were so excited to be free to run around again. Neighbors have walked by honked and waved, given us the thumbs up, and commented on how great it looks!

And while we sat around in the backyard celebrating this huge accomplishment with beer and cigars, Alan (Bryce's Dad) decided to tell Grandpa Gus about our shower. Now the tiles in the shower have been getting soft. We have known for a long time that moisture was behind the wall and it would need replaced. The plan was to remodel the whole bathroom so we were putting off doing the shower until it was necessary. So Grandpa Gus comes in the house and goes into the bathroom to investigate. As he gets close to the shower he slips on the rug and catches himself on the back of the shower. When he pulled his hand away tiles fell. I heard them hit the tub and my stomach sank. By the time I got to the bathroom this is what I saw:

So they decided since all the help was still around to rip out the tile and the wet sheetrock and insulation:

By the time everyone left last Thursday I no longer had a shower. I had to laugh or I would cry. We were not at all prepared for a bathroom remodel, and I was really hoping for some free time after the long fence project. But here we are, continuing the work to the house. As I write this Bryce and his cousin are removing the bathtub. Next week we will be tub and tile shopping. It will be fantastic to have a new shower, but oh the money!!! On a side note, NEVER buy a house without two showers, if I didn't have a shower in the basement I would most certainly be CRYING!

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