Thursday, July 8, 2010

What did you do this weekend? Worked on the fence...

So we continue to work away on the fence. This is becoming the summer of the fence. I'm pretty sure that is most of what we will remember about 2010, Bryce building the fence. He even dreams about it, poor guy. Bryce had to dig out the cement from all the corners but decided to dig new holes so that he didn't have to remove the cement from every post. He dug holes that were somewhere around 4 feet deep, filled them with gravel, and then would get the gravel wet and pack it down. Apparently this is one of the best ways to build a fence, at least it's a little easier than mixing and pouring cement.

Oh look, here's Keely helping with the building of the fence. At least this is as close as I've come all summer, I'm outside while Bryce is working on the fence. I am finishing up the last classes of my Master's degree, this is the first time in my life I have had school in the summer. Summer is a terrible time for school work. Dietrich is there in his bouncy chair being as helpful as can be!

Here are the set posts! I cannot believe how hard Bryce had to work to finish this part of the fence. He heads out right after work and doesn't stop until it's nearly dark. He literally falls asleep while talking to me.
Check out that pile of cement in the dog kennel just from the corner posts. It would have been a pain to remove all the cement from the previous fence.
Taking a break with Thisbe. Oh yeah, talk about fun, not having a fenced back yard and two dogs! Whoo-hoo, the joy, the long walks the dogs need and the short cables they are on while outside. Today Thisbe begged me to let her just lay in the lawn, "see mom, I don't have to go in, I promise I'll lay right here and be good..."
The fence is starting to go up! It's beautiful!

Bryce actually has this entire section done now. It covers up the space where we park the old yellow truck, I'm sure our neighbors appreciate that! Only three sides to go...

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see it all finished. I'm sure Bryce will be glad to have it finished ... and the puppies will be glad too! And you will have your hubby back on weekends!!!
