Thursday, August 26, 2010

Still tile...

The TILE saga continues. I found tile at both Tile Outlet and Great Floors that I liked very much. The tile from Great Floors I maybe loved just a little, but it was $3.16 a square foot. The guy (whom I also bought my carpet from) told me he could give ma deal and get us in the $2.00 range. Bryce wasn't super impressed with that price either so I agreed to continue looking and see if we could find a better price. This is when we found out we have a membership to ProSource through Bryce's work, YAY!!! So he went to ProSource while I tried to make a sick baby take a nap, and came back with the exact SAME tile that was $3.16 at Great Floors for $1.98!!! WHOO-HOO!!! Then today our awesome neighbor who tiles for a living came over and brought me one of his catalogs, he told me he can get us the "at cost" price on tile. So now I am hoping to find the same tile I have already picked out for an even better deal. So today we are thankful for super awesome neighbors and patience in buying tile.

Bryce also found us a new-to-us pocket door from the building supply store in town. It is a solid core door which is awesome, and it just needs some re-painting to work for our house. I am hoping the solid core door won't bang around as much as the hollow one did. The guy at the store asked "who uses pocket doors anymore?" Apparently just us, since whoever had this very nice door in their house removed it.

1 comment:

  1. Yea for Building Supply Stores and GREAT neighbors. I am excited to see the finished project ... not as excited as you are I'm sure since I'm not the one bathing a baby on the kitchen counter! :o)
