Wednesday, October 19, 2011


A few weeks ago our Mommy and Me group met up at Green Bluff to pick apples. Dietrich was super helpful, he even picked a few apples himself!
He loved "putting" the apples in the box, which was often throwing. But since the plan was applesauce I wasn't too concerned about bruising.

And then Dietrich bruised his head. He tripped and landed on the corner of the wagon. He was not a happy camper after that...
Here are all the apples washed and ready to go.
Cooking away...
And the final product! This is twice as many as I was able to make last year, and only one jar didn't seal, but we eat applesauce pretty quickly around here so no worries.
My mother-in-law convinced me to keep the skins on and use a sieve to remove them after they were cooked, so much faster, plus it makes it a pretty pink color! Delicious! I think we have already gone through nearly 4 jars, it won't last the winter that's for sure!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful "pink" applesauce! Great job Keely! I'm sure Dietrich will devour this before the end of the year.
