Thursday, September 6, 2012

Outdoor Cooking

A few years ago I was at a friends house and they had just put in a bar outside, it was great, a nice little hot plate, fridge, and an old bathroom sink.  So when we bought a house I knew I wanted one of those one day, and Bryce decided that this was the year for it.  So we made a plan, showed it to some friends and family, took some suggestions, modified our plan and Bryce started building...    

And sometime last week it was finished!

 Bryce found this great sink on craigslist, it is possible that the place he went to to pick it up was a crack house, but we've cleaned it up and the rest of the kitchen was built around it.
 Bryce then found the teal tile at a used supply store, along with most of the white tiles, but we did have to buy a few new.
 Mom bought us this cook stove a few years ago for Christmas, she thought it would be great in our outdoor kitchen someday.
 And we have some bar stools coming that will provide seating over here...
 Bryce even put some roofing above it to protect it from getting too much weather on it.

 And last week I made my jam outside!  In my new outdoor kitchen!

Clearly I love it.


  1. That is sooooooo awesome! You are one lucky lady to have the handy person that is my brother as your hubby! Clearly, he is awesome :)

  2. That is so cool! I love the aqua sink & tiles!

  3. It does look great on your outdoor kitchen, Keely! And let me just say, Bryce did a marvelous job constructing the kitchen. I, on the other hand, had to hire a contractor for our outdoor kitchen. They did so great too! And they even made such an impressive fire pit for our outdoor kitchen.

    Cathy Newman
