Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Play room organizing

The kitchen is still going great, I know I haven't written about it in a while and I'm sure you are all waiting with bated breath.  The cupboards, floors and countertops are down.  Now we are waiting on the grand finale, a new bar.  It's almost done, I can't wait to share with you!  In the mean time I've been organizing.  And last night I tackled the play room.  Which nobody has played in for a while because I had it full of clothes getting ready for baby fair and then it became a catch all for junk and then it was a crazy huge mess.  And with birthday season rapidly approaching it was time to get it in order.  So here is the before... look there's a dog in there!

 I took EVERYTHING out and put it on the back porch.

 And ta-da, the after pictures:

 And the table on the weird tile in the room is a great place to have snacks and do art projects without sacrificing that incredible blue carpet.
 Closet with ONLY toys in it, and not all our stuff too...
I went crazy making labels with pictures so the kids would know where everything goes.  I'm hoping this also helps when we have friends over, the kids can do all the cleaning!
 My pinterest inspired jars with craft stuff.

This room is the only room in the house that we have done NOTHING to.  It needs a total sheet rock job done because the texture doesn't match up and a leak in the kitchen before us made a mess of the ceiling.  So someday I will get to paint this room a fun color and maybe do some other fun stuff, but for now this should work, for a while anyway....also, I used everything I already had.  I am hoping to convince Bryce to build me some cool cubes for the closet and/or make a storage bench in here too.  But that will come after this room gets a remodel I'm sure.
This morning the kids went down there and were so excited to find a bin with "logs" in it!  They have never even played with the Lincoln Logs before, now they know where they are and where to put them away at. Yay!

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