Thursday, May 27, 2010

Growing Grass

You may remember this post over a year ago discussing our sad little yard. We worked on it last year, but it's still in bad shape. Bryce has been working hard at improving the lawn this year. He has aerated and thatched and seeded and fertilized and drug sprinklers all over the place. Somewhere along the line I wrote about how we have a sprinkler system, but we could only find a few heads in the yard, and the neighbor said that 5 or 6 years ago there was a leak, and the previous owners turned off the system and never turned it back on. Well, we were finally brave enough to give it a try. Bryce had to replace the big piece coming off the main water because it had a big crack in it. He is only trying to make the front yard work for the time being, and last night he turned it on for the first time. We had 5 sprinkler heads pop up and work! He found the other sprinklers by digging in the big puddles that formed in the yard and he thinks that he has found them all. Today he is buying new sprinkler heads and we are hoping that the big leak was not in the front yard. It will be nice to at least have the system working out front!

The Church that we attend has a community garden and this year they decided to take out more lawn to expand the garden, which means we were able to get new sod to fill in the "wading pool" in the back yard. It looks so amazing! The yard looks WAY bigger and the dogs are far less muddy when they come in on a wet day. Here is Thisbe helping Bryce put the sod in, only two days after Dietrich was born.

We have also started to give Thisbe pills that are supposed to help neutralize her "business" so that we won't have huge burn spots all over the backyard. It may take a while but the yard is starting to come along. Now if I could just find some time to buy and plant some flowers, trees, bushes...

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know about the neutralizing pills...let me know how those work out. We thatched our lawn this spring too. Talk about a ton of work!
