Friday, June 11, 2010

Everyone pushes a falling fence...

And this fence has been falling for a while. Last year we came home from vacation to find it lying in the yard, every time the wind blows we have to tack up a few pieces, and a few weeks ago after thinking we survived a windstorm, the next day the neighbor had very nicely propped the pieces that fell in his yard back in ours. We have been planning for months for this BIG project. Probably one of the biggest and so far the most expensive projects we have done to our house. But the summer weather is supposedly here, or maybe it's just on it's way, and we are ready for this project. So here are the BEFORE pictures!

The double gate in the back, we can't open it because we have it all propped up. This was actually laying in the yard when we bought the place:
Here is what the neighbors see. When we moved in they had a permanent piece of wood propping the fence up and out of their yard. We fixed it up last year so that they could take that out:
This is the best side of the fence, look, only one t-post keeping things in place.
Over here is what we found in our yard after vacation last year. Note the t-posts!
Look at all that wood holding things in place:
We had to really work on this part to keep it from falling down and letting the dogs out into the neighborhood.
Now the fence is GONE! And it looks pretty weird, kinda nice actually. But tying the dogs up every time they need to go out is not so nice. The wood was delivered earlier this week and I suspect that Bryce will start setting posts this weekend. It is going to be a busy month trying to finish this huge project. I'm not terribly helpful now, but I will keep Bryce supplied with water and beer! (I make the same promises to anyone who shows up to help...)

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