It was a road-trip weekend! We headed out on Friday night for Helena, this weekend was Carroll's Homecoming and we decided to participate. Dietrich was a trooper with the long car ride both ways. Here he is sleeping away while Thisbe watches closely over him:
Here we are at the Saint's Football game. We like to sit on the hill by the Library, that way we don't have to buy a ticket, and if the game is boring (which they usually are because Carroll kills the other team) we can take a nap. We used to especially prefer this view because you can sit on the hill and continue drinking the beer you brought in your cooler, they don't let you do that in the stadium.
Here's Dietrich sporting his new Carroll hat:
He also decided to taste grass for the first time, I don't think he liked it much.
Here are our good friends Shawna and Bob hanging out with Dietrich.
Oh look, nap time (Carroll won 31-13).
He even slept through the canon that goes off every time Carroll scores.
Again we laughed about the many years that we spent Homecoming out late partying at the bar. This year we went straight home, had an amazing dinner prepared by Shawna and Bob, made homemade ice-cream, and we were all in bed by 11:30 (which was late!). How life has changed...