Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas in the ER

This year for the first time, we did Christmas Eve present opening at my mom's house. It was a very nice morning with the family and after several days of Cranky Dietrich, Happy Dietrich woke up to join us!
He loved the goldfish he found in his stocking! MMMM...goldfish for breakfast!
We got my brother Paul this awesome hat and beard that my talented friend Sara made. It is pretty funny, but also warm and practical...haha!
Uncle Paul got Dietrich a big truck he thinks it is so fun. He runs the cars around saying "wee,wee,wee!!!"
Then we came back to Spokane and got ready for Christmas Eve church service.

Here we are having Christmas dinner with the cousins at Bryce's parent's house. Grandma Jane bought the table and chairs that made a perfect kids table!
Then we had a little accident. Dietrich sort of kind of fell off the couch and tripped on Bryce's feet...or something. We aren't really sure what he did but afterward he really cried. I thought it was because it was so late and he was just really tired. So we cuddled for the rest of the evening. I tried to put him down a few times and he would just cry, but again, I figured he was just tired and cranky. When we woke up at home on Christmas morning however, he got out of bed excited for breakfast, limped/tripped to the door and then leaned on it crying. This is when I realized he had actually hurt himself somehow. So we ate our yummy cinnamon rolls, opened a few quick presents and then headed to Sacred Heart Emergency Room.
We spent 2.5 hours there, which really seemed pretty good for the ER. Fortunately, they have a pediatric emergency room so we were only in with the kids, not everyone who comes into the ER. We had a nice room where Dietrich and I snuggled on the bed and watched a Christmas Story while we waited. Dietrich had to have x-rays of his leg, which was the most difficult part since I couldn't stay with him due to baby number 2. So I stood in the hall and listened to him scream because he wanted his MAMA!! The results came back and the Dr. said "when you see an x-ray, you do NOT want to see a little circle on it. What do you see on this x-ray?" "A circle." That's right, our little boy has a small fracture in his ankle area. So they splinted him up:

And we were finally on our way. This is Dietrich's second small fracture in less than 6 months. The Dr. said that his bone density looks good and that sometimes these things just happen. I am hoping that when we see the orthopedic specialist this week we can rule out any other bone issues that could be causing his little bones to fracture. Hopefully it is just bad luck and this will be it! I do not want to spend any more Christmas's in the ER! A few hours later we finally made it to Bryce's parent's to open presents and celebrate the day.

Bryce received these "special" gloves for his upcoming diaper changes:
Thought I should share a picture of Bryce in his beautiful "smoking jacket." It used to be my Dad's, I sort of love it, even though it looks like he is a homeless man...

New tools for Dietrich! It was a strange Christmas, spending so much of it at the Dr. and then spending the rest of the day worrying about Dietrich. But we got to spend it with all of our family and that is always wonderful! Currently, Dietrich is practicing his crawling skills again, and hopefully he will be healed up and running around again before no time!


  1. OH Keely !_! I am sorry to hear that your little man got hurt. It is never fun when they get hurt and so little that they can't tell you about it. I had almost the samething happen to Logan when he was little. He sprained his wrist and the Dr.s wanted to make sure that he didn't break his wrist. So they took x-rays and I had to wait outside the x-ray eara because I was pregos. It was the hardest thing ever! I hope he feels better soon! ^_^

  2. Oh, so sad! Poor guy! It seems like little boys bounce back quick from injuries though. Merry Christmas!

  3. Poor itty bitty! Sorry you guys had to endure that. :(
