Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year Resolutions

Last year I wrote out our New Year's Resolutions for the house. And we accomplished almost all of them! The only thing we didn't do was repaint the house, and that is because we discovered the siding is full of water and falling apart all around us. The fireplace isn't finished, but it does look far better than it did black with gray tile, the pantry seems like it's always been there, and the new front steps have made our house far more inviting!

It's New Year's resolution time again and I'm really struggling with what projects to try and accomplish around the house this year. With a new baby on the way there won't be as much time and certainly not as much money! So I think our projects may be smaller than we had originally hoped. We did have grand plans to replace the siding on the house, but with $10,000 estimates and/or the likelihood of Bryce spending the entire summer re-siding the house himself I am thinking that project is going to have to wait.

So on a much smaller scale:

1. Make a built-in dresser for the kid's room.
2. Closet organizer in kid's closet.
3. Fence around my garden so that a certain little dog can not lift his leg on my fruits and vegetables.
4. Sprinkler system in the backyard (new/replaced/fix existing, not sure what direction this will go yet).
5. Cuddle a sweet new baby and play with an awesome little toddler.

Those seem like some pretty manageable projects, and if we get lucky maybe we can add something super fun like new siding or a new roof (or a new kitchen!!!) but if not I'm sure we will still have a great year of little projects around here!

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