Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year!

It's time to celebrate the New Year and although I personally haven't made a New Year's resolution since High School, I figure we can make a few resolutions for Our House.

1.) Build a pantry (I think this one might start VERY soon).

2.) Paint outside of house

3.) Plant something, anything, but do the yard a favor!

4.) Do something about the fireplace (even if it's not EXACTLY how I want it to be forever, just something so it's not such an eyesore).

5.) Replace front steps before someone falls and sues us.

I think that's enough for house resolutions, that should keep us busy for the next year at least!!!


  1. I love the 5th resolution! Not because I would ever dream of sueing but because I have dreadful visions of myself in a broken heap at the bottom! Your sister-in-law is not the most graceful creature on the planet and those stairs give me the shivers!

  2. You guys are doing great ... you're not even 7 days into the new year and you have two of your resolutions in process already! Way to go.
