Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Half way to Baby

Last time around I posted pictures of my pregnant belly on facebook for my faraway friends to see. Everyone was always so kind, "you look great" "so cute" you know the usual nice things you would say when forced to view someone's growing belly. Then at the very end when I was enormous and decided I could no longer post pictures of myself because, well, I was enormous, this super skinny also pregnant girl I knew from high school wrote to me and said "you need to post another picture of your belly!" In a previous week she commented on my picture with a "do you know how big the baby is?" Yes I wanted to slap her. It is not fair that you do not look pregnant when you are 6 months along, pregnancy is for eating. I should also mention that she had a 6 lb baby, not a 9 lb 2 ouncer like I did. So the point of this long story is that I will post my pictures here for my sweet friends who are not using my pictures to make themselves feel good about the fact that they don't eat.

8 weeks
13 weeks
16 weeks
19 weeks
Today marks half way to baby! I am 20 weeks along and feeling baby moving all the time. I can't believe how fast time is flying with this little one!

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