Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Double Oven Baby

We don't say this word much in our house, but this baby is MINE, all MINE MINE MINE!!!
You may recall that I have sort of kind of complained about the old stove, and if you don't remember you can find a refresher and a BEFORE picture in my letter to GE. You can also see a few promises I made to my husband on Valentine's day regarding a double oven. Not only was the old oven U-G-L-Y, it also had trouble maintaining the temperature, sometimes being a bit too hot resulting in a few burned items. And the burners, oh the burners, med-hi was the only setting that worked and you had to jiggle the burners for a bit before they would actually work. Well, apparently all my complaining paid off! My mom's man-friend Steve is a bit of a craigslist junkie and for no apparent reason he decided to look up double ovens this weekend. This was the only one he found. My mom called me right away saying I had to look into it, and although I was apprehensive because we don't really have the extra cash lying around, she convinced me.

I e-mailed and 20 minutes later I got a call back. An hour and a half later we were driving home with it in the back of the truck. A brand new oven exactly like this starts at $1300(+tax!), this one is 6 years old but was not used for 2 of those years and we got it for $375. Bryce had to do a bit of work, like cutting out some counter because the space wasn't big enough and wiring in his first 240 outlet since the previous oven was hard wired in. But he was wonderful and took a break from all his other projects to get this in for me last night. So far I have only made breakfast on it but I have spent pretty much the whole day staring at it, and it surprises me every time I walk through the room, it's so beautiful!

Clearly I am in love, and Bryce says he is glad that I have found a new lover :)

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