Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Being 40 weeeks pregnant...

Is so unfair when there are people all around me due days, even weeks after me, having their babies! Don't get me wrong, I'm an "all-natural" kind of girl when it comes to this pregnancy thing so I like that my babies stay in there until they are good and ready to come out. The biggest issue is really that my silly Dr. (whom I love!) told me two weeks ago that he predicted the baby would come in the next week...well that was last week and here we still are.
(38 1/2 weeks)

I feel like I can barely move, getting out of bed hurts so badly, I have to ease into walking. I now have to use the bathroom every 20 minutes and I almost didn't make it after a short walk that Bryce and I went on last night...I seriously considered just going because wetting my pants would be less painful than trying not too.

I have contractions all the time, but nothing that gets worse or closer together, apparently false labor is much more common in second pregnancies, oh joy. My back aches, I have to sit on the couch with a pillow behind me and as soon as I get comfortable Dietrich asks for something, so back up I lug my big ol' self. Thank goodness he has been taking awesome naps this week, so I am getting some much needed rest.

I can hardly eat now because there is so little room and food hardly sounds good anymore anyway. I have been trying to keep the house organized and clean for whenever baby (and my mom and grandma) arrive, but I'm over it now, thankfully Bryce has been very helpful with that!

I had a good cry yesterday, and had hoped maybe that's what I needed to get things going, but so far no luck. We are slowly moving into the part of pregnancy where everyone starts to worry, I will have to have a non-stress test on Thursday and then I am sure my Dr. will want to discuss a date for induction. I am pretty against the whole induction thing as long as it is possible to avoid, obviously if there is concern over my baby's safety I will take what I can get to get the little one here safely, but if I can avoid it, I'm going too.

Only 5% of babies are born on their due date, and Dietrich is one of those 5%. Tomorrow is this little ones due date, I'm hoping for another over-achiever and some really great odds!

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