Sunday, March 22, 2009

Payments and Pictures

It was a big weekend, we made our first house payment! Not that it is terribly exciting to send off all that money it is exciting that the money is going toward something we will own!

We were pretty busy this weekend with work and school and friends so we didn't get too much done on the house. We did however get a few things hung on the wall tonight which is pretty exciting. It's nice to see some of our pictures and knick-knack things, it's been a few weeks now.
Here is the very cool sign that Paula Mykins and family got us for our wedding, it is hanging over our front door.

Here is the vanity in the bedroom with a couple of wedding pictures hanging next to it.

This will be a busy week of getting things ready for painting the little bedroom and bathroom this weekend and the new dishwasher.

1 comment:

  1. That sign is awesome!

    I hate writing that check for our house payment every month. I always think, man, I could buy A LOT of coffee or shoes or scrapbook supplies or cute kids clothes with this money! Only 14 more years and our house will be paid off...that seems like forever right now though!
