Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dogs and Carpet

I believe I mentioned in a previous post that Thisbe has a scratching problem. We originally thought it was because she was eating paint and she was having an allergic reaction. But we haven't painted in a long time and she is still very itchy! She has lost the hair around her eyes and a couple of big patches on her neck. So we have been trying benadryl and a perscription from the vet. Over the weekend I was telling mom that I think it's something in the carpet, and she reminded me that I cleaned the carpets when we first moved in. I think we used so many chemicals that Thisbe is having an allergic reaction!

So this morning zerorez came in and cleaned our carpets. They do it totally chemical free and the carpets look amazing! If you need a carpet cleaner I have coupons! Hopefully this will work to keep Thisbe from scratching so much and losing her hair! Here are her and Rico enjoying the sun since they can't come in until the carpets are dry.

I also decided that since the furniture is all out of the way I would hang a couple more pictures and things. Here is one wall that I finished by the stairs. I'm still not sure about the stuff I hung up in the living room, which is why I'm not posting a pictures. The walls in there are very difficult since they are all so skinny and tall!

This weekend we are headed to Lincoln City for my Grandma Bernice's 85th birthday! It should be a great time, almost all the family is going to be there. We leave first thing in the morning, I'm sure I will have pictures to post next week!

1 comment:

  1. I hope Thisbe is all better after this!

    As for your long, skinny walls (wish I were long and skinny but anyway...) they have some cute long narrow prints, maybe that would work for those walls?

    Can't wait to see you tomorrow!
