Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Deck

Here it is, the one you've all been waiting for. The one that I've given so much hype and lead up that I really hope it's as good as you are all hoping for! The deck is finished! It has been for a few weeks now, and this morning I finally remembered to take some pictures. First, a reminder of what the deck used to look like:

And here is the frame for the new deck, just getting started!
The top of the deck is done!
Now working on the stairs, this was a whole family project, Bekah at the top to help level things out there, Alan and Laurel at the bottom to make sure everything was straight at that angle.
Here are the stairs, finally in place! Thisbe only had one accident running up the half finished stairs and then flailing about as she landed where there were no stairs, a scary couple of minutes, but she was fine...
And ta-da! The final result, with new, up to code, children and dogs can't fit through, railings!

Beautiful! It's the same size as before, but Bryce laid the boards at an angle which looks very pretty and is more sturdy. He put in so many screws and bolts that you can lean on the rail and it doesn't even wiggle! A couple of neighbors have walked by and told us how great it looks, and now we have a nice, pretty place to hang out this fall!


  1. It is everything you promised and more. The deck looks beautiful! I am especially glad that it is baby and puppy proof! I know the two of you will enjoy the fall on your new "sturdy" deck!

  2. It's beautiful; way to go Bryce (and family). I'm sure your neighbors love you guys for fixing things up so much.

  3. It does look very's a good thing we got a new house...David would never be able to do something and have it look that awesome!
