Saturday, September 19, 2009

Nothing but the best for our Baby

Last weekend we went to Ione, it had been forever since we were there! Bryce and Paul were busy helping mom rip out carpet and remove the popcorn ceiling in one of her bedrooms. So I had to find my own project. This is located in our barn, if you have ever played in our barn before, or any barn for that matter, you know that they are dusty, dirty, full of hay and manure! So any guesses on what this item might be?

If you haven't guessed yet, it is a crib! The crib that both my brother and I slept in as babies. I tried to look up the brand and such to see if I could find retail value for it from 1982, but no luck. However, my mom believes she paid around $500 for it, this was of course partly because we lived in a camp in Alaska and had to pay a lot for shipping, but still, it is a very nice piece of furniture. And since I'm trying to be "green" and save some money, we are going to fix this up for our baby!
Don't you just love the stack of hay on here, lets hope the baby doesn't have hay fever like I do!

Oh so dusty!

Here I am working on getting it all dusted and cleaned off so that we can put it in our car.

The crib is in pretty good shape, it was properly stored until about three years ago when Paul decided to organize the garage. He wanted to throw this away! Mom told him to put it in the barn, not on the floor in the barn like he did, but at least it didn't get wet out there, or chewed on by mice!
It's pretty beat up from 10 years of child use and moving it several times. At some point the plywood that was the bottom of the drawers and the part that the mattress sits on did get wet and rotted out. So we will have to replace those pieces, otherwise everything seems to be there. It will definitely need a light sanding and a new coat of non-toxic stain to make it look new and beautiful. Good thing I have an engineering husband to figure out how to put it together without any instructions! You lucky Dads that bought new cribs with all the pieces and instructions...HAHA!!!
It isn't an antique yet, but it's half way there, maybe someday our children will use it for their children, then it will be an antique!


  1. So proud of you for being willing to use an old crib! It's so easy to fall into the trap of wanting everything to be new.

    You are a blessing to your husband! And your baby!

    Enjoy fixing it up. =)

  2. I think it's sweet that you're going to use that crib for your little one! I bought our crib at a yard sale and C. had to figure out how to put it together without the instructions. Took him awhile, as I it probably would have been helpful to have an engineer around at the time.

  3. By the time the two of you are done with this it will look brand new and your little one will sleep very well in it. I love the the fact that you are going "green" ... making a smaller carbon footprint is a gift to your children as well!!

    Oh ... make sure Bryce puts in extra supports for the mattress ... he broke his crib when he was 8 months old!!!
