Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I'm back!?

I haven't posted anything to this blog in ages, and so I decided maybe I just shouldn't anymore because clearly I don't have a lot of time for it.  But then I started reading through old posts last night while drinking a bottle glass of wine and I realized that there are some really great stories and pictures and sometimes I'm even kinda funny.  So even though I only have a splattering of followers I will keep posting to remind me of all these stories and pictures and times in our house!  Dietrich is THREE now!  See, he can show you.

 And Lenorah just turned one, now she walks and laughs and I'm trying very hard to convince her to use some words instead of the incessant uh uh uh that she does whenever she wants something, which is of course all of the time.

So after a several months long hiatus I am back, and I am going to try my best to get on her more often and share more stories, so that I can remember what this crazy time was really like.

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I love reading your posts. You are a great writer and quite funny! This is a great way to keep track of all that you have done to the house and all the fun that goes on within the walls of your home! <3
