Thursday, May 16, 2013

One Saturday

Bryce and I had the most productive Saturday that we have had together since possibly before Dietrich was born.  We got up early and filled in ALL of the spaces around our house that needed bark.  When we first moved in (4 years ago) we removed all the red lava rock, and then we added a little bark to a few places.  This is the first time in 4 years that everything has been filled in.  It feels great!
 Stepping stones to the gate to the backyard.
 We even did the space all along our outside fence.  Dietrich was really helpful with his cute little shovel throwing bark onto the sidewalk for us to sweep up.  Lenorah played in the truck and somehow managed to disconnect parts of Bryce's stereo.
 I planted new pansies along the driveway a few weeks ago and added this very sad looking rose bush on Saturday.  I'm hoping it perks up with some more looked good when I bought it. :(
 And then I went and bought all of my flowers AND got my garden and flowerpots done.

It feels so nice to have the outside feeling good and ready for spring/summer!

1 comment:

  1. The yard looks amazing! You two were very productive.
