Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Super Hero Capes

Last week while at a friend's house Lenorah found a hooded cape that my friend had made for her daughter. She wore it all over the house dragging it behind her.  So I decided maybe the kids needed some super hero capes!  I looked for a pattern on-line and found this pattern which I especially liked because it had measurements rather than a pattern that I had to print out.  I changed the measurements slightly because I wanted my capes to be wider at the bottom and longer than what she did.   I just held the fabric up to the kids and marked where to cut it so that it was the length of their bodies and I made the bottom 15 inches instead of 11. 

We went to the fabric store and I found the hot pink satin first, it was on sale half price!  But then I was totally stuck on the satin look and had to pay quite a bit more for the red for Dietrich.  He was so excited though, he was telling everyone in the store that he was getting a super hero cape.  Although, he struggled to understand that I had to make it, it wasn't a cape yet...

Then while wondering around at Wal-Mart I found the polka dot fabric that I decided would be perfect for making letters!

 I cut the letters out without any sort of pattern, my printer couldn't make anything large enough so I decided to wing it.  Then I serged the edges, which wasn't very easy with the curves and corners, but I figured it out.  After that I used a fun stitch on my sewing machine to zig-zag the letters in place.  A quick seam around the capes and some velcro and they were ready to fly!

 "It's the Moon!"

Lenorah especially loves it and asks to wear it and then takes Dietrich his so he can wear it too.  I will probably be making an extra one to have around the house for when friends come over, we had a friend over earlier this week and sharing the capes was kind of hard.  While we were outside trying to get these pictures we had several people drive by with big smiles.  I kind of can't wait for the day they ask to wear them out to the store...

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