Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The one about our Dogs

I love these dogs, I really do...
Rico came to be a part of my life when I spent way too much money on a dog from a pet store. I do NOT recommend this as I now know that many of these dogs come from puppy mills, but I got lucky. Rico and I lived the single life together, walking, cruising for cute boys and bitches, we have been sleeping together from almost three years. The first big fight Bryce and I ever had was over this stupid dog. I have a rediculous, unhealthy love for this dog. My mom asked me recently if a truck were about to hit Rico and Bryce who would I save. I said "well, Bryce has a better chance of surviving." Both my mother and my mother-in-law worry that they will kill my dog and I will never speak to them again. MIL was watching the dogs for a few minutes while Bryce ran off to do something and Rico got out. She knew this because she heard a car squeal to a stop. Afterwards, Bryce and his mom kept telling Rico how I would never speak to them again if he had been run over.
Bryce had a dog when he was very young. After the dog died his family brought home a new puppy for Easter. His youngest sister Bekah nearly ended up in the hospital she was so allergic. Bryce and his older sister Sarah recommended sending Bekah to live with Grandma and Grandpa so that the puppy could stay. Needless to say they didn't agree to that arrangement and he never had a dog of his own.
Our second dog Thisbe, I blame on my mother. She sent me an e-mail from a co-worker selling puppies last summer. We had talked about getting a lab puppy after we got married and found a house. But here were these adorable little puppies and my MOTHER of all people, was encouraging me to get one for Bryce. They would be ready to go home on his Birthday. So I got the brilliant idea of surprising him with his first puppy for his 25th birthday. Never "surprise" someone with a puppy. Puppies are A LOT of work and you need to be prepared, not surprised. On a beautiful August day I left work early, picked up this puppy and put her in the back yard with a ribbon on. Bryce got home and I said come out here look what I found! He was in shock for about three days. I'm pretty sure he likes her now :)
At 5:00 this morning Thisbe starts to whine. Not a constant "I need to go potty" whine, but a short quiet whine that wakes you up just enough. And when you are about to fall back to sleep, she does it again. Because Rico and I have been sleeping together for 3 years, he knows the second I'm awake and starts stretching, which results in him scratching my face off. So he licks it to make it better. Now Thisbe knows we are both awake and the whining is more serious. So I throw back the covers and to their great excitement put them outside.
But this is not what they want. They want food. So they stand outside, scratch at the door, continue to whine. So now in my anger I get up, stomp out, grab the bowls from outside while trying to hide from the neighbors because I'm in my underwear, Thisbe smashes into the screen door (again) bending it, so I can't hardly close it anymore. I throw her back outside, head down the stairs and of course, fall... on my butt, down three steps.
Now, sometimes, the food is enough, they will play outside and I can go back to sleep. But not today. Today everybody is out at 5:15 in the morning running, riding bikes, and walking dogs. So they bark....and bark....and bark. So I make them come back in, and you know what they did?!? They went back to sleep...
I love them, I really do...


  1. I almost started to laugh out loud when I read about you falling on your butt! Then I almost felt bad. But not that much : )

  2. Funny story. I love the picture, but please tell me it was taken awhile back and you have nicer weather now :)

  3. Oh yes! It's much hotter now, that was actually taken on New Years. But it's my favorite picture that I have of the two of them!
