Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ode to the Handy Man

I grew up in a house with a handy-man. My dad worked on everything, whether he wanted to or not. He could build fence, re-wire houses, sheetrock, put in windows, do plumbing, put in new drain fields for the septic tank, fix the water pump, build tree-houses, pretty much anything that needed done he did it. And he taught me how to do a lot of things too, I remember being in the garage when I was about 5 hammering a nail in a board and hitting my thumb. He turned and laughed and said "keep practicing." When I was in drivers ed. we all had to change a tire at home and have our parents sign off on it. Many of my friends parents signed it even though they didn't change the tire. I had to rotate the tires on my car. I thank him all the time for teaching me that, I have at least one flat tire a year!

I now know that a lot of the things he did he learned to do because it saved the family money. He may have wanted to pay somebody else to do the re-modeling but he and mom could do it much cheaper. I dated a guy who couldn't do anything, couldn't even drive in a stick shift (hence he couldn't drive my car). I knew that the guy I married would be able to do things. Bryce has learned a lot about remodeling houses from his Grandpa, I feel so lucky that he can do so many things! It saves us a lot of money!

This week he found out that the serious leak on our "new" truck was going to cost $600 to repair at the shop. A $12 part and hours of labor. The guy at the shop, a good friend, said he wouldn't attempt to do it without a shop. But we don't have $600 for the truck and we need it to get a lot done around the house so:

He spent almost 8 hours yesterday under this truck on the cement getting the oil pan and oil pump off the truck. Today he will put the new ones back on. He is sore and tired but he is taking care of us and our house, and our money :) I would like to show a picture of me taking a nap while he layed on the cement working in the 90 degree weather, but I can't take pictures of myself sleeping. I did some work on the house last night, but I know that I am one lucky girl to have married a man who can do so much around our house.

1 comment:

  1. Love that you recognize what a blessing your husband is. Especially so early on in your marriage.

    It took me YEARS to appreciate Josh's handy-ness. I looked at it as him just wanting to spend hours working on the car, the house, etc. to be away from me. Ugh.

    Way to go Bryce for rockin' it! And way to go you for recognizing an awesome quality in your man!
