Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The doors

We often spend our time working on the house and cursing the people who did these horrible things to it. Like painting perfectly good doors and trim ugly colors like grey and black. They didn't even finish, half of the door frames are painted on one side but left natural on the other, as are all of the doors. Since we aren't quite ready to spend the money on all new doors I decided last night to take all the doors off and take them onto the deck to enjoy the 80 degree weather.

Bryce has been studying for his LEED examine, which he is taking today, so he was busy doing that while I took everything outside and painted. I also managed to drop the paint can and got paint all over the deck, fortunately it looks really bad already, so I just added to it.

While the paint on the doors dried I painted on the trim on the doors in the house. NEVER paint trim (if it's in good shape of course). I actually saw in a magazine where they were saying if you are afraid to paint a whole wall, just paint the trim a fun color. NO NO NO! Repainting walls is easy compared to repainting trim. Don't mess with the trim, unless it's already been messed with or is really bad already.

After the doors were dry, I brought them in and Bryce hung them up. I should have been paying attention to what doors I was giving him because clearly our doors are not all the same size:

The doorknob is even covered by the trim, the bedroom door does not fit on the bathroom!

And what's with the big gap, that would be the bathroom door on the bedroom. We will have to take care of that tonight after the drill is charged back up!

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