Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lava Hoes

Much of our yard has been "landscaped" (I use this term lightly) with lava rock. Now, no offense to anyone who loves lava rock, but it does not float my boat. So this evening I decided to tackle the lava rock lining our driving:

Down to mostly just dirt. Of course there are still some rocks in there, but I think I have dug it down enough that a fresh layer of dirt and some grass seed and the lava rock underneath will not matter.

The two little bushes you see still in the dirt will be transplanted after I figure out my landscape "plan" and know where to move them.
For you lava rock fans I have three boxes like this free to good home! And that's just from beside the driveway, I have much, Much, MUCH more! (and yes these boxes are still in these spots on the driveway because clearly I can't move them and Bryce is gone at Church council).
Today's reason I LOVE our new neighborhood: As I was out shoveling lava rock the nicest policeman stopped and asked me if I had seen some kids around causing trouble. I haven't seen them, but they did do this to our power box on the corner of our property before we moved in:
A Garden Hoe you might ask? If you are going to do graffiti you should at least learn how to spell. Anyway, this also recently happened to a neighbor's fence and apparently someone down the road got in a profanity strewn fight with a couple of girls who are the most recent suspects. So the police are trying to find these troublemakers and stop it. Do you know that in our old neighborhood when my car was broken in to all I got was to talk to someone from crime check who took down my information and of course I never heard a thing back! In this neighborhood the police spend TIME looking for a poor speller! Now, on to the amazingness of my new cleaner that I was coned into buying from the carpet cleaner guys. It got that spray paint right off! No more HOES at our house!

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