Friday, May 15, 2009

Why would you want one of these?

Why would you want one of these:

So that you can spend Friday night before friends come over doing this:
And coming home to this:

Caused by this:

As well as these burn spots in the lawn:

And we will never have nice things again...


  1. Ok. This one made me laugh so hard i almost peed myself a little!
    I love dogs!
    Wait til you have kids!!!!!

  2. Okay, so I'm going to disagree with SarahBri...I've never hated life more than when we had dogs. I love Shadow (because he's old and well mannered) and I LOVED Bailee even though she made me insane.

    But seriously, after she was gone my stress level went down tremendously! Of course it was my fault for allowing her the bad manners in the first place. So, before we had kids we discussed rules (furniture, etc.) and while our kids ARE allowed on the furniture =) they aren't allowed to jump on, stand on, play on, etc.

    Kids DON'T have to be worse, they just need to be trained!

    um, sorry for rambling...
